Section: Our Lady Lot: 2 Grave: 6

Florence Crifasi Stroebel
Born: October 4th, 1938
Died: August 22nd, 2022
Florence Crifasi Stroebel, beloved wife, mother, and grandmother, went home to the Lord at the age of 83 on August 22, 2022. A native of New Orleans, Louisiana and a resident of Madisonville, Flo is preceded in death by her beloved husband, Dr. Courtney John Stroebel, Sr., and her parents Jake Crifasi and Florence Carollo Crifasi. Flo is survived by her two sons - Courtney John Stroebel, Jr. and Craig Wilhelm Stroebel; her three daughters, Kristi Lyn Stroebel, Wendy Stroebel Radman (Adriano), and Heidi Stroebel Chappuis (Scott); and six grandchildren, Jacob and Kristin Burnthorne, Adeline and Cassidy Chappuis, and Christian and Sophia Radman. Flo was also the sister of Frank Crifasi, and the late Virginia Taranto, Sam Crifasi, Rose Faust, Josie Logos, Carlo Crifasi, and Frances Chartier. Flo was a graduate of Holy Angels High School and worked in the library at the University of New Orleans. She was the owner of Honey Tree Health Foods and enjoyed working alongside her husband in Kiwanis Club, Jaycees, and East Gentilly Lions Club activities. Her greatest joy was spending time with her husband, children, and grandchildren. Prior to Hurricane Katrina, Flo was a parishioner of St. Nicholas of Myra Catholic Church in Lake Catherine. Thereafter, she was a parishioner of St. Anselm Catholic Church. A private Catholic Mass and burial took place on August 27, 2022, at Saint Joseph Abbey in St. Benedict, Louisiana. E.J. Fielding Funeral Home has been entrusted with the arrangements. Please sign the E.J. Fielding Funeral Home online Guest Book at