Archbald Finley Fraser, Sr.
Born: January 1st, 1922
Died: June 5th, 2020
Captain Archbald "Archie" Finley
Fraser, Sr.
June 5, 2020
Provided by Bagnell & Son Funeral Home
A service summary is not available
Captain Archbald “Archie” Finley Fraser, Sr.
98 years old
Born January 1, 1922 in Georgetown, Washington
D.C. to the late Donald McKay Fraser and Isabell
McDonald, immigrants from Scotland. Archie’s
mother passed away at his birth. His father later
married Florence Jane Hazelgrove, who then
became Archie’s “mum”. Archie grew up at Berry
Hill with his brother, Donald and sister, Catherine, in
Newport, Rhode Island.
After graduation from Rodgers High School, Archie
entered Kings Point Merchant Marine Academy in New York. There he sailed to and
from France, carrying artillery during WWII. After his graduation from the Academy in
1944, he sailed for Delta Line Steam Ship Company, carrying passengers and cargo to
South America and West Africa.
During a stop over in New Orleans he met the love of his life, Olga Lopez, a flight
attendant. He and Olga married in 1949. Together they had three boys, Archbald
Finley, Jr., Kenneth McKay, and Donald McKay. During Archie’s time working for Delta
Line Steam Ship Company he wanted to spend more time with his family, so they
moved to Santos, Brazil for two years, where he worked as Port Captain. Afterwards
they moved back to their home in Metairie, Louisiana, and retired from Master Mates
and Pilots.
In 1969 they moved to Covington, Louisiana and he began a new career, titled “Fraser
marine Surveying”. He surveyed until he was in his mid-eighties.
Archie joined the Plimsoll Dinner Club at the World Trade Center in New Orleans,
where he would have lunch monthly with his Maritime friends.
He and Olga joined numerous clubs, The Beau Chene Club, The Let’s Dance Club,
and The Lion’s Club, where they made lifelong friends. The Lion’s Club was certainly
dearest to his heart, he was a lifelong member and a Melvin Jones Recipient.
Archie had a great love for dogs, especially Irish Settlers. Over the years he had three
named, Hyper One, Hyper Two, and Hyper Three. Daily, he spent time taking them for
long walks.
He had a very dry sense of humor, making It sometimes difficult to tell whether he was
serious or joking. He was very eager to serve but never wanted to be served. He was
a gentleman, kind, and thoughtful.
Archie and Olga were married sixty-four years. Archie passed away seven years and
three days after his beloved Olga, who broke his heart when she passed away.
He precedes in death his wife, Olga and his son, Kenneth. He leaves behind two sons,
Finley and Donald. Two grandchildren, Michael and Sharie Fraser Lam. Six greatgrandchildren, Ryan Lam, Lauren Lam, Michael Fraser, Jr., Christian Fraser, Katherine
Fraser, and Landon Fraser. His sister, Catherine Fraser Gunning. Two nephews, Ralph
and Donald Gunning and one niece, Jane Gunning.